Election Info

Next Election

The next election will be on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.  Polls are open from 7:00am to 8:00pm on election day.  Included on the ballot for this election is U.S. President, U.S. Senate, U.S. Congress, State Senate, State Assembly, Dane County Executive, and other local offices.  There are also two referenda for those in the Madison School District.

You must be registered in Blooming Grove in order to vote.  You will need to show a valid photo ID in order to receive a ballot.  You may choose to vote absentee.  Details for all three of these issues can be found below.

Voter Registration

In order to vote in Blooming Grove, residents must be registered.  If you reside in Blooming Grove and need to register, the easiest way is to stop by the Town Office during office hours any day the office is open (except the day before an election).  Yes, you can register on election day itself if you wish.

In order to register, residents must provide a proof of residence document such as a driver’s license, utility bill, bank statement, government check, pay check (stub), or other government document.  The document used must be current, and have your name and current Blooming Grove address on it.  Additionally, residents need to fill out the EL-131 voter registration form -- which the Town Office has, or can be found in the "Forms and Permits" section of this website.  While you can register to vote by mail, it's usually more efficient to do it in the Town Office.

Photo ID Requirement

All voters who wish to receive a ballot must provide a valid photo ID.  For most voters, their Wisconsin driver's license or Wisconsin DOT-issued ID meets this requirement.  For those folks who don't have these forms of ID, other options are available such as a valid passport, military ID or certificate of naturalization.  If you aren't sure if your form of ID will be sufficient, visit www.bringit.wi.gov.

Absentee Voting

IN PERSON - One way to vote absentee is in person at the Town Office.  In-person absentee voting is available for the next election from October 22 - November 1, 2024.  Stop in during office hours, provide an acceptable photo ID, and you can vote.

BY MAIL - If you wish to vote absentee by mail, you can submit an application to do so.  The deadline for submitting the application is October 31, 2024, but it is highly recommended you do so sooner rather than later.  The application can be submitted online at myvote.wi.gov, or by downloading and filling out the Absentee Ballot Application located in the "Forms and Permits" section of this website.  Then submit it (in person, by mail or via email) to the Town Office with a copy of your photo ID.  You will be mailed a ballot once they become available.  After you've marked your ballot, you can either mail it back in the self-addressed stamped envelope that is provided, or drop the envelope off in person at the Town Office when it's open.  A ballot can be counted only if it is RECEIVED by 8:00pm November 5, 2024.  It cannot be counted if it is received after that time.